Now showing items 16-18 of 242

    • A Channel Network Evolution Model with Subsurface Saturation Mechanism and Analysis of the Chaotic Behavior of the Model 

      Ijjasz-Vasquez, Ede J.; Bras, Rafael L. (Cambridge, Mass. : Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Hydrology and Water Resource Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1990-09)
    • A Distributed, Physically-based, Rainfall-runoff Model Incorporating Topography for Real-time Flood Forecasting 

      Cabral, Mariza C.; Bras, Rafael L.; Tarboton, David; Entekhabi, Dara (Cambridge, Mass. : Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Hydrology and Water Resource Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1990-10)
      We present a distributed, physically-based model of runoff generation in a catchment, for operational use in flood forecasting. The model accounts for both the infiltration-excess and saturation-excess mechanisms of runoff ...
    • Chemically Enhanced Wastewater Treatment 

      Morrissey, Shawn P.; Harleman, Donald R. F. (Cambridge, Mass. : Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Aquatic Science and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1990-09)
      Many municipalities are currently under court order to provide secondary-level treatment to their wastewater. Since federal funding is no longer available to build the necessary facilities, the burden of paying for secondary ...