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dc.contributor.authorShroyer, E.
dc.description.abstractLean Transition of Emerging Industrial Capability (LeanTEC) program was a cooperative agreement between the Boeing Company and AFRL conducted from January 1998 to January 2002. The results of this program are documented in the Manual for Effective Technology Transition Processes included as an attachment to this report. This manual provides processes, procedures, and tools for greatly improving technology transition in the aerospace industry. Methodology for the implementation of these improvements is given along with methods for customizing the various processes, procedures, and tools for a given company or business unit. The indicated methodology was tested by the LeanTEC team and results are documented in the report.en
dc.format.extent7462881 bytes
dc.titleLean Transition of Emerging Industrial Capability (LeanTEC)en
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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  • Lean Advancement Initiative
    U.S. Air Force, aerospace industry, labor, and MIT collaborate to achieve lean capability at the enterprise level to deliver value to every stakeholder

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