Now showing items 4-6 of 117

    • 18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Spring 2014 

      Orloff, Jeremy; Bloom, Jonathan (2014-06)
      This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. Topics include: basic combinatorics, random variables, probability distributions, Bayesian inference, hypothesis testing, ...
    • 18.218 Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics, Spring 2019 

      Zhao, Yufei (2019-06)
      This course is a graduate-level introduction to the probabilistic method, a fundamental and powerful technique in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. The essence of the approach is to show that some combinatorial ...
    • 18.785 Number Theory I, Fall 2019 

      Sutherland, Andrew (2019-12)
      This is the first semester of a one-year graduate course in number theory covering standard topics in algebraic and analytic number theory. At various points in the course, we will make reference to material from other ...